Thursday, September 9, 2010

Visit with Aunti Rachel January 2009

Lunch with Aunt Rachel at Rosewood Park in Hillsboro

Aunti Rachel's Brown Sugar Frosting (Old Fashioned Fruit Cake Frosting-- From Aunti Midge Johnson-Fee's Collection)

1/4 Cup Butter
1 Cup White Sugar
1 Cup Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup Karo Syrup
1/2 Cup Cream

Add a lump of butter before heating. Boil 3 minutes, cool for 10. Beat until it starts to set, then spread.

Remembering Rachel...

This is a site dedicated to those who love Aunt Rachel. I have a recipe, and a few photos to add-- but I am hoping that all of you will join me in sharing stories, photos, recipes and letters so that others can remember her, too. Top to bottom: Aunt Rachel, Uncle Carl Tonole, and Aunt Rachel and Uncle Marion Johnson, together...